Communal vs Residential Solar

(Left) Image from Connexus Energy; (Right) Image from Intermountain Wind & Solar

In this section we will compare and contrast two major solar panel setups:

Residential Solar: Private solar panel system utilized by only one residence.

Community Solar: Multiple residencies utilize a single, shared solar panel system.

The cost of panels and installation

A common size for a private solar setup is 5 kW. Some of the most cost effective solar panels are the 255 W models with an energy efficiency of about 15.4%. A single one of these panels cost about $173, equating the cost of a 5 kW system to be $3,468. If a small community wanted to install a 1MW photovoltaic system with solar panels from 2018 they would likely be ~18.7% efficient with each panel rating ~320 watts. With these averages a 1MW system would need around ~3125 panels.

Customer Accessibility

Currently, because there is a steep initial cost associated with residential solar, it is only accessible to the wealthy in Kansas. Because our overall goal is to engage as many people as possible in solar energy, communal solar projects offer options for those with less disposable income.

Maintenance considerations

A communal setup will be physically larger and also create more energy. This makes it more susceptible to weather-related damages and also forces more precautions to be taken in regards to wiring inspection and upkeep in order to prevent energy wastage or even fires.

The use of land

Residential solar setups are able to be installed on the roof of an individual house, since the system size is not as big as community solar setups and has a lesser amount of kW. The system also doesn’t have to connect between multiple residences, so it can be confined to the area of the house it is installed on. Although a communal setup would be undoubtedly larger a system that is about the size of a football field would be able to supply enough energy to approximately 200 homes. The average area of a residential roof top is about 1,500 square feet, while a football field divided between 200 residences is about 288 square feet per household.